Friday, December 19, 2014

Your Next 5 from SPL

Even with lists that are miles long full of books to read, sometimes you're looking for just the right thing for just that moment. When you're looking for the next book to read and you're stumped, you can always talk to a librarian at your local library! You can also send me an email at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Seattle Public Library also offers a free online readers advisory service, called Your Next 5. All you do is fill out an online form (your name, your email address, and a little bit about what you'd like to read or not read) and one of SPL's librarians will send you a personalized list of reading suggestions.

This is what the Your Next 5 form looks like.
Just fill in the blanks and get a personalized reading list in your email!
Here's the link to Your Next 5:

I submitted a request to SPL's Your Next 5 program and got a response just a day or two later from Misha, a Reader Services Librarian at SPL. Keep reading to see what I submitted to SPL and the fantastic response I received. I've added all of these books to my to-read list!

The information I sent SPL:
I'm looking for a few books that have love stories in them, but aren't *about* the love story, or at least have other significant plot points to propel the story forward.

Books I've liked that I think meet that criteria:
- Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
- 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
- Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
- All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
- The Scar by Sergey Dyachenko
- Labyrinth by Kate Mosse

I loved the stories in each of these. They were compelling and I felt invested in the outcome. They're all pretty big in scope (entire worlds hang in the balance), but that isn't necessarily important. I also liked the way each of these writers wrote; they're all pretty different, but I feel like they really care about how they tell their story, not just that they get it written.

I read a lot of fantasy/paranormal, but would like to explore new things too.

If you have some suggestions for me that don't have love stories in them (or push the boundaries of what "love" is... obsessive or unrequited or other ideas...), I'd still be interested in hearing those as well.

Please, no vampires or werewolves. I understand that sometimes they are unavoidable, but I'm feeling a little burned out on those two monsters at the moment.

Thank you!

PS - I have a blog ( May I post this Your Next 5 request along with your response?

From Misha of Seattle Public Library:
Hello Kristine,

My name is Misha and I am a Reader Services librarian. Thanks for using Your Next 5 Books!

Here’s your list in the catalog:

Thanks for being up front about wanting to share your Your Next 5 Books list. We love it when people spread the word about this service! I will admit it can be intimidating to make a list for a fellow, well-read librarian, but I sincerely hope that you find a book or two on this list that you enjoy and haven't already read.

Now, on to your list. You shared that you are looking for books with love stories where the love story isn't the only significant or compelling storyline. You gave examples like 1Q84, The Scar and Labyrinth. So, here is what I came up with:

You might think that with a title like Miles in Love, that this omnibus in Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan saga might not be about anything else, but most Vorkosigan books have a number of other characters and storylines in their midst. If you have never read this series, you might want to start with Cordelia's Honor or Young Miles, but this is the omnibus that features a love story most prominently. Bujold weaves political intrigue, military action and well-developed characters in her fast-paced yet reflective science fiction series.

Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt is about first love, but not in the ways that most coming-of-age novels explore it. The teenage voice is so authentic and the story has surprising nuances that I would hate to spoil by even alluding to them here. It is a stunning debut.

Since you liked Kate Mosse, you might like Kate Morton who also weaves parallel stories that are well-written, entertaining reads. The Forgotten Garden is a Gothic family saga that explores how the secrets of the past haunt the present.

Nevil Shute's A Town Like Alice is a classic about a young woman who survives war in Malaya told from the perspective of her family's lawyer. There is a love story at the heart of this novel about perseverance and reconnection.

You asked for a book not about love per se but perhaps about obsession or a story that pushes the boundaries of what love is. Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend is the first in a quartet of novels (the fourth will be translated into English in September 2015) about the intense, complex friendship/rivalry between two women who meet and grow up in 1950s Naples. There is an intimacy and honesty explored through the narration that gives such a realistic portrait of these two women and their intricate relationship. Sometimes there is no deeper or more troubling love than friendship.

Some other books that came to mind: Ammonite by Nicola Griffith, Hard Rain Falling by Don Carpenter, The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker and A Prayer for the Dying by Stewart O'Nan.

I hope that you find a book or author that you enjoy from this list (and haven’t already read!). Please feel free to let me know what you like and don’t like -- it will help me help you next time!

Happy Reading!
Reader Services
The Seattle Public Library

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

20th Century Bombshells: Women & The Bomb

World War II was a time of dramatic change. Modern warfare inspired new technology, including nuclear weapons, and also altered the way Americans thought about gender roles. Women of all social classes began working outside the home and impacting society in new ways. In the books below, American women play dynamic parts in the creation and the aftermath of the atomic bomb.

The Wives of Los Alamos by TaraShea Nesbit

Told collectively by the women of Los Alamos, this fictional memoir observes their community before and after the revelation of their work's nuclear nature.

The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II by Denise Kiernan

Recruited by the US Army during World War II, thousands of Americans moved to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a secret Project Manhattan city. Despite the intense secrecy surrounding their work, the women of Oak Ridge establish a vibrant community united by their sense of purpose. After the Bomb "Little Boy" is dropped on Hiroshima, the residents of Oak Ridge must come to terms with their role in the development of the atomic bomb.

An Atomic Love Story: The Extraordinary Women in Robert Oppenheimer's Life by Shirley Streshinsky and Patricia Klaus

Notorious for both the creation of the atomic bomb and his connections to the Communist Party, J. Robert Oppenheimer also had quite the tumultuous love life. His relationships with three smart, ambitious, and extraordinary women are chronicled in real-life details with extra attention paid to the dynamic social setting of America in the mid-twentieth century in this well-researched book.

The House at Otowi Bridge: The Story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos by Peggy Pond Church

Edith Warner lived by herself between Los Alamos and the San Ildefonso Pueblo, but was hardly alone. While she was not integrated into either community, Edith built strong relationships with the people who lived there, including J. Robert Oppenheimer. This character-driven book examines Warner, the friendships she made, and the influence she held in New Mexico.

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Thursday, December 4, 2014


Phew. It has been a wild and wacky year. Most of it has been good -- great, even -- but it has all happened so fast, practically all at once, and has been pretty overwhelming. In 2014, I:

  • Graduated from the University of Washington with my Masters in Library and Information Science (while working full-time with a part-time internship)
  • Finished my internship as the Librarian at the University House retirement community
  • Moved into a new apartment in a new neighborhood with Curtis
  • Got engaged! Wedding is planned for summer 2016
  • Was supportive while Curtis quit his job and started his MBA program at the University of Washington (only 5 more quarters to go...)
  • Started a new job as and Adult Services Librarian for Kitsap Regional Library in Port Orchard (4-hour daily commute from home, including 2 ferry rides)
  • Said goodbye to my beloved Volvo and purchased a new Volkswagen (exciting, yet unplanned and expensive)

While those are only seven bullet points, they are major events and have absorbed the vast majority of my time and energy. Those events alone send my Holmes and Rahe score sky high so I'm very ready to have things calm down a bit, but life doesn't seem to work that way. There are, however, three guarantees: I don't have schoolwork, I will only be working one job, and I am no longer applying for new jobs! I am hoping this will translate into more time reading, writing about books and libraries, and my other hobbies (knitting as always, but I'm also taking sewing lessons).

So, my apologies for the long silence, but I intend to make more noise in 2015.

Monday, February 17, 2014

ATTN: Neil Gaiman Fans

Hey Neil Gaiman fans,

Here's some exciting news for you if you are in or can get to New York or San Francisco! Neil Gaiman has just announced that he will be taking his performance of The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains to the USA around the end of June and tickets go on sale tomorrow, February 18th at 10amfor San Francisco and 11am for New York. On the 4th and 5th of July, he'll be performing in London at the Barbican too. Seriously though, if you're going to London, take me with you!

What is this performance, you ask?

Neil Gaiman will be reading his novelette, The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains (available to read) and will be accompanied by the FourPlay String Quartet and paintings by Eddie Campbell. Sounds like an exciting, immersive literary experience to me! Still not sure what I'm talking about?

Find out more on his website HERE.

Alsoooooo, The Truth... is going to be released as a graphic novel with Eddie Campbell's illustrations. Check out the released cover below!

From Neil Gaiman's website:
I found out about this because I am a fan of Neil Gaiman on!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

365 Days of YA

Have you seen this Tumblr?

365 Days of YA 

Each day, librarian Kristen Thorp posts a young adult novel. What makes this project super neat is that the book that is selected has something to do with the date!

Today's title, for example, is Looking for Alaska by John Green and was selected because character Alaska Young was in a car crash on the 11th.

Very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing the whole year's worth of books!

Are you on Tumblr? Follow 365 Days of YA!

You can follow Kristen on Twitter @GingerReads and follow me @PsblossomCreates.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Reading Goal... Close but Not Quite

I didn't quite make my reading goal this year. What with school and moving and my new job and searching for jobs in libraries, I just didn't make it. I wanted to read 50 books in 2013 and I read... 49. 49! So close. Ah well, there's always 2014.

Here's what I read in 2013:

Read in 2013

Shadow of Night
Assassin's Apprentice
Royal Assassin
Assassin's Quest
The Charm School
Tomato Red
Peony in Love
Something from the Nightside
Murder at the Vicarage
Little Brother
The Devil All the Time
Blood Price
Storm Front
The Selection
In the Woods
Life After Theft

Kristine Berg's favorite books »